Legal notice

Legal notice
In order to facilitate a rapid and effective development of the relationship between BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL and the users of the website, we guarantee through this Policy, the privacy of the personal data collected, with the legal requirements and we inform about the personal data protection policy so that the users can determine freely and voluntarily if they wish to provide BARCINO R+D SHAPES AND COLORS, SL your personal data through any form or email for subscribing to the services offered, either on your website or by another online means of your property. The users, therefore, consent to the treatment of these personal data, in terms of this Personal Data Protection Policy, regulated by Regulation 679/2016 of the EU and consequently the data collected in a fair manner , freely and transparently, are exclusively for the specified use and purposes, and the user’s consent for such purposes is free, specific and explicit, having been obtained in an unequivocal and informed manner. Likewise, the user is recognized and informed of his rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition and those of Portability, Oblivion and Limitation, which he may exercise in:
Carpentry, nº 6-8, 2º
08002 Barcelona
Next, we will set out the framework of the Privacy Policy of BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL
I. Responsible for processing your personal data
CIF: B64968894
Address: Plaza Urquinaona, number 6, Floor 11 A, 08010, Barcelona
Telephone: (+34) 935 128 380
This Privacy Policy applies to all personal data previously collected by BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL either through online forms, or through the collection of personal data by any other online medium or electronic mail that takes place in the future.
For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, “User” shall mean any natural person who is interested in the products and/or services that BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL offers through both its web page and its consultation at the address indicated above. BARCINO R+D SHAPES AND COLORS, SL , as responsible for the treatment, will request, at the time of collecting their personal data, the Loyal, Explicit, Informed and Unequivocal consent of the User, whenever this is necessary, as well as in any other moment that requires the prior authorization of this one Precisely, the objective of the Privacy Policy of BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL is to give transparency to the information about how we treat your data and protect the information collected.
The User will always be able to contact the Data Protection Officer, in case of any doubt or need regarding data protection, by directing his request to the postal address indicated above or via the electronic mail .
II. Purpose for the treatment of your personal data
The personal data of the users will be incorporated in the files of BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL, with the purpose of managing its clients and their information, including the sending (via post, e-mail, SMS or any other electronic medium) of commercial communications about products, services, special treatments and news of their treatments, products and/or services
We inform the Users that BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL will be able to treat the personal data that you provide us, in addition to the Management of your Clients, for the other purposes indicated below, to the extent that there is a basis of legitimacy for each treatment as explained below which will be according to the casuistic :
- (1) Inform the User by any means, including the sending of commercial communications to the email address provided by the User, of products and services of BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL , as well as the fulfillment of pacts, agreements and/or commercial contracts that are necessary to be able to fulfill the established commercial relationship.
- (2) Carry out promotional activities on other services of BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL including the sending of commercial communications to the email address provided by the User, if appropriate.
- (3) Transfer personal data to authorized collaborators or other companies of the Group, with the purpose of offering products and/or services, own or of third parties, as long as the User is asked for consent for which, and subsequently, this is grant
III. Legitimation basis for the treatment of your personal data
- The basis of legitimacy for the treatment of the data for the purposes (1) and (2) is the execution of the agreement or contract for the provision of the corresponding services.
- The basis of legitimacy for the processing of data for the purpose (2) will be the consent of the User, in case it has been requested and granted, as well as the legitimate interest of BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL to bring to the knowledge of the User himself, similar products or services to which he has previously acquired.
- The basis of legitimacy for the treatment of the data for the purpose (3) will be the consent that may have been requested from the User, without in any case the withdrawal of this consent conditions the execution of the agreement or the contract for the provision of services . The User’s personal data will not be processed for these purposes, and only in the event that BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL previously requested may be treated for the exclusive purpose, with the specific limitation and the minimization of the data necessary to do so.
BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL , at the time of data registration, will collect and process the personal data essential for registration and access to the User’s personal space. In the event that he decides to purchase one of his products, he will collect and process the necessary and essential data to manage the process of purchasing or contracting the service. The User knows and accepts that by ceasing to fill in certain personal data, he will prevent BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL from providing those services or selling those products that are linked to these data and are necessary for the provision. In no case will these data be transferred, exploited or used for a different use than expressly indicated here. During the registration process, the User will be informed of the optional nature of the collection of some data for the provision of services.
IV. Personal data retention period
The data will be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship and after this, the data will be kept for the legal periods established in current legislation, as long as the User does not withdraw the consent exercising his rights. For any other type of user, the data will also be maintained during the period that the relationship is maintained with BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL, (except, in both cases, that the treatment is based on the consent of the User and this will be revoked. In this case they will be kept until such revocation is received). Consequently, the data will not be kept longer than necessary for the purposes described above, without prejudice to the conservation that will be necessary for the formulation, exercise or defense of potential claims and/or as long as the applicable legislation allows.
V. Access to Personal Data
An optimal provision of the service that BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL offers, may require that third parties who perform complementary services or under their orders, access the personal data of the User as data processors. All service providers that act as data processors are located within the European Economic Area or are included in the list of countries that offer a level of security equivalent to Spanish and to that required by the RGPD regulations. In the event that on any occasion there is a transfer of data to countries outside this environment, BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL guarantees that they will only be carried out with the authorization of the Spanish Control Authority (Data Protection Agency), in the model clauses approved by the Commission or, if applicable, in the Privacy Shield (Privacy Shield for the US). To obtain more information about the previous guarantees or the fact that they have been provided, you can contact the address mentioned above.
In addition to the access that third parties may have to the personal data they are responsible for BARCINO R+D SHAPES AND COLORS, SL, as national or international data processors, in the framework of the provision of a service to the data controller, is informed that there is the possibility of transferring the User’s personal data to the authorized collaborators of BARCINO R+D SHAPES AND COLORS, SL , in any case following the duty of professional secrecy and confidentiality regulated in current legislation, and as mentioned in section II, with the requirement that consent has been requested from the User and this has been granted.
In addition to the above, BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL may carry out transfers or communications of personal data to attend to its obligations with the Public Administrations in the cases that are required in accordance with the legislation in force at any given time and if necessary, also to other bodies such as Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado and the Judicial bodies.
VI. User rights and exercise of rights
BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL informs the User about the possibility to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, portability, oblivion and limitation (ARCO-POL) of the treatment, as well as to reject the automated treatment of the personal data collected.
These rights may be exercised free of charge by the User, and if appropriate who represents him, by means of a written and signed request addressed to the address mentioned above.
This request will have to contain in the subject the reference “Data protection of BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL” and will have to include the following data: number and last name of the User, domicile for notification purposes, photocopy of the National Identity Document or Passport, and the request specifying the request. In the case of representation, it will have to be proven by authentic document. Likewise, the User can exercise the aforementioned rights through the email address
In addition to the above rights, the User will have the right to withdraw the consent granted at any time by means of the procedure described above, without this withdrawal of consent affecting the legality of the previous treatment prior to its withdrawal. Therefore, the User’s data may continue to be processed to the extent permitted by the applicable law.
Likewise, we remind the User that he has the right to file a complaint with the relevant Control Authority.
VII. Technical, organizational and security measures implemented
BARCINO R+D SHAPES AND COLORS, SL undertakes to comply with its obligation to keep personal data secret and to keep them, taking the necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the applicable legal regulations.
BARCINO R+D SHAPES AND COLORS, SL has implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures to guarantee the security of your personal data and avoid its alteration, loss and treatment and/or unauthorized access, taking into account: the state of technology, the nature of the data stored, the risks and the fact that they are exposed, either come from human action or from the physical or natural environment, according to the established by the applicable regulations.
BARCINO R+D SHAPES AND COLORS, SL Concerned about privacy and aware of the right that corresponds to it, with the intention of reinforcing the confidentiality and integrity of the information in its organization, it continuously maintains the supervision, control and evaluation of its processes to ensure respect for the privacy and security of the information, according to international standards, periodically performing the risk analysis and the impact evaluation of such personal data treatments.
VIII. Responsibilities
The contents of the web pages that users access through the WEBSITE search service are merely informative for all those users interested in them, without this access generating a commercial, contractual or professional relationship between visiting users and BARCINO R+D SHAPES AND COLORS, SL In case of discrepancies between what is published on the WEBSITE and the paper support, the information contained in this last support will prevail. BARCINO R+D SHAPES AND COLORS, SL , will not in any case be responsible for the opinions, images, etc. provided by third parties that are not controlled by BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL Likewise, any responsibility for damages and losses of any nature that may arise from access to content, information, advertising, opinions, concepts and images, created by third parties and facilities to users, or for content accessible through the WEBSITE browser, which are contrary to the law, morality, good faith and public order, infringe intellectual or industrial property rights or contain any vice, defect, computer virus or similar software routine. In the moment in which it was known that some of the contents, opinions and concepts hosted on the website were contrary to the law, morality, good faith and public order or that they contain any type of computer virus or software routine similar, it will proceed with its withdrawal, communicating such facts to the corresponding Control Authority. BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL excludes any responsibility for damages of any nature that could arise from the capture and use by third-party collaborators of the information, advertising, and opinions provided by users on the website. In any case BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL is not responsible for the content, information and images that do not directly depend on him or his website, or that are not managed by him; even if they appear on the website by virtue of a collaboration agreement signed or agreed, current or future BARCINO R+D SHAPES AND COLORS, SL, repitiendo contra por the responsibility claimed against the person in charge of the corresponding responsible treatment.
Exemption from responsibility for the operation of the WEBSITE
BARCINO R+D SHAPES AND COLORS, SL provides its services and contents continuously using all the technical means at its disposal to perform this service satisfactorily. Therefore, you may, when you consider it convenient, make corrections, improvements or modifications in the information contained in the web, in the SERVICES, or in the CONTENT without this giving rise to any right to any claim or compensation, nor implying recognition of any responsibility It is also not responsible for damages and losses of any nature that could arise from the unavailability and/or technical discontinuity of the operation of the website. In any case, all the necessary actions will be taken to restore your services in the event of a technical failure.
Exemption from responsibility for content provided by BARCINO R+D SHAPES AND COLORS, SL to its users through the WEBSITE, and those accessible through the WEBSITE browser. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF THE CONTENTS OF THE WEBSITE
The texts (information, concepts, opinions and other analogs) and graphic elements (photographs, design, logos, source code and other analogs) that constitute the web page and are disseminated through it, as well as its presentation and assembly, are owned exclusive of BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL which holds all the exploitation rights of these through agreements with third parties. In this sense, they constitute works protected by the set of Spanish and Community regulations in the field of intellectual property, in accordance with Royal legislative decree 1/1996, of April 12, by which the Consolidated Text of the Intellectual Property Law and Law 5/1998, of March 6, of Incorporation into Spanish Law of Directive 96/9/EC on the Legal Protection of Databases, resulting in the same application of the international treaties subscribed to this field Consequently, no license of use or authorization is granted on its industrial and intellectual property rights or on any other property or right related to the website, except for specific agreements with third parties. Users may reproduce the contents of the website for the sole purpose of storing them, or printing them on paper for private use. Apart from the above, all reproduction, distribution, transformation, presentation, total or partial, of the content of the website or any of its elements, directly or indirectly through telematic networks or similar supports, with a commercial purpose is prohibited to the public or for a use beyond those mentioned, still citing the source, provided that the express and written authorization of BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL and if it comes from third-party collaborators. Failure to comply with the above will be optional to bring the relevant legal actions.
They are especially prohibited
The presentation of a website page in a frame of another website that does not belong to BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL , through the technique called “framing” unless it has the express written consent of BARCINO R +D FORMES I COLORS, SL
The insertion of an image that has been or is being disseminated on the website, on a page or database, that does not belong to BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL , by means of the technique called “in line linking”, provided that this does not count with express authorization.
The extraction and use of elements of the website causing, or not, any damage to BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, by which the Consolidated Text of the Intellectual Property Law and Law 5/1998, of March 6, of Incorporation into Spanish Law are approved Directive 96/9/CE on the Legal Protection of Databases. Consequently, BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL, will have to expressly authorize the establishment of hypertext links (hyperlinks) on another website directed to the Home Page of this website or to any other internal page, provided that the corresponding pages appear in a full window and under their own electronic addresses. Rights not expressly granted above are reserved. All trade names, marks or distinctive signs, logos, symbols, mixed, figurative or nominative marks that currently or in the future appear on the website belong to BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL has the regulatory permits for its use and reproduction, being protected by current legislation.
VIII. Links to other websites
The website of BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL may include hyperlinks to other sites that are not operated or controlled by BARCINO R+D FORMES I COLORS, SL For this reason, it is not guaranteed, nor can it be guaranteed, as well as it cannot be held responsible for the legality, reliability, usefulness, veracity and timeliness of the contents of such websites or their privacy practices. Please, before providing your personal information to websites outside of this website, please note that data protection compliance may be different from ours.
IX. Modification of the Privacy Policy
BARCINO R+D SHAPES AND COLORS, SL may modify this Privacy Policy in accordance with applicable legislation at any time. In any case, any modification of the Privacy Policy will be duly notified to the User so that he is informed of the changes made in the treatment of his personal data and, in the event that the applicable regulations so require, the User can grant your consent