About us

Why Barcino?

Because of exclusivitycolourquality

About us

Why Barcino?

Because of exclusivitycolourquality

The original concept

The different look

Barcino Designs is colour, elegance and quality . It is an alternative look at reality and at the same time a different vision to everything that surrounds us. The structures based on nature, the details that permeate Antoni Gaudí’s proposals with vegetation and color, are sublimated in the “trencadís” technique, small pieces that fit together until they find a different meaning to the appearance of any object.


Being the first is not an objective, it is the natural consequence of a way of understanding life and creative processes. Barcino Designs is a company in which innovation is at the base of any decision. From its beginnings until today, we bet on proposing without limits, having a clear view of prejudices and making our curiosity grow day by day.


From the curiosity for everything new and the search for an original, creative and personal vision, unique objects emerge that help us interpret your reality. We are with those who dare to have their own opinion, a personal taste, a different life. Do you dare?

The original concept

The different look

Barcino Designs is colour, elegance and quality . It is an alternative look at reality and at the same time a different vision to everything that surrounds us. The structures based on nature, the details that permeate Antoni Gaudí’s proposals with vegetation and color, are sublimated in the “trencadís” technique, small pieces that fit together until they find a different meaning to the appearance of any object.


Being the first is not an objective, it is the natural consequence of a way of understanding life and creative processes. Barcino Designs is a company in which innovation is at the base of any decision. From its beginnings until today, we bet on proposing without limits, having a clear view of prejudices and making our curiosity grow day by day.


From the curiosity for everything new and the search for an original, creative and personal vision, unique objects emerge that help us interpret your reality. We are with those who dare to have their own opinion, a personal taste, a different life. Do you dare?

A universe of color


We like to see life in colors. Barcino Designs products are for all those who choose optimism, naturalness and smiles as travel companions. We like to surround ourselves with objects that improve our personal or work space positively.

This is an irrevocable commitment because otherwise they would lose the unique sense of their presence, the essence from which we want to improve our personal environment.

The origin

The origin of Barcino comes from the need to express and share a different view of the world around us. It is a way of explaining the passion for modernist work and Gaudí’s vision where the broken building becomes the perfect metaphor for the union of humble materials that are transformed into images that transcend and go beyond the object.

This vision is unique in a moment and a sector anchored in the past, with little dignity and added value. The combination of a new vision and a static sector are the two conditions that generate one of Barcino’s characteristic features: being the first. Breaking moulds, leaving aside prejudices and daring to make unexplored proposals in the world of gift products.


Let’s create from scratch: from a sketch on paper to prototype proposals that are molded with the mastery of a sculptor’s hands. In a creative and research process where the protagonist becomes an object that, at the end of its journey, will share its vision of the world with someone special.

A universe of color


We like to see life in colors. Barcino Designs products are for all those who choose optimism, naturalness and smiles as travel companions. We like to surround ourselves with objects that improve our personal or work space positively.

This is an irrevocable commitment because otherwise they would lose the unique sense of their presence, the essence from which we want to improve our personal environment.

The origin

The origin of Barcino comes from the need to express and share a different view of the world around us. It is a way of explaining the passion for modernist work and Gaudí’s vision where the broken building becomes the perfect metaphor for the union of humble materials that are transformed into images that transcend and go beyond the object.

This vision is unique in a moment and a sector anchored in the past, with little dignity and added value. The combination of a new vision and a static sector are the two conditions that generate one of Barcino’s characteristic features: being the first. Breaking moulds, leaving aside prejudices and daring to make unexplored proposals in the world of gift products.


Let’s create from scratch: from a sketch on paper to prototype proposals that are molded with the mastery of a sculptor’s hands. In a creative and research process where the protagonist becomes an object that, at the end of its journey, will share its vision of the world with someone special.


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Barcino products?

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